Jets are in Town Saturday

Abstract Hockey player background.

Huskies fans, 

After a brief road trip, your Frankford Huskies are back home this Saturday, as they play host to the Amherstview Jets, puck drop in Frankford is at 6;50pm.

Currently your Huskies lead the Jets by 6 points in the TOD division, however the Jets have a game in hand.

The Huskies know they will have their hands full with the red hot Jets, who have won 9 games in a row, but coach Pat Shearer and Captain Carter Musclow both believe the fellas are up to the challenge.

Fans, our boys will need your support, so please come on out, cheer loud, and let’s show the PJHL why you are the best fans in the league.


We will have merchandise on sale, the Lion’s Hall will be open, and we cannot wait to see you all out there!


Let’s Go Huskies!